
As you prepare to enrol your child into kindergarten you may require extended care in your child’s school day. Our qualified Registered Early Childhood Educators use shared space in the jk/sk classrooms to provide a seamless day for your child. We understand that this is a different type of open house/registration process and we at BFLC understand the uncertainty of how schools may be operating come September 2021 but our centre has continued to operate during these challenging times and want to assure you that we continue to respect and strictly follow all covid policies and guidelines set out by Best Friends, WECDSB, WECHU and the province to keep everyone in our programs safe. Registration is now open and although we do not permit visitors at this time in the school and you require child care for your family, please contact us for further information.

Phone: 519 966 5184
Email: ​bestfriendslc@hotmail.com
Website: ​www.bestfriendsdaycare.ca

We look forward to hearing from you to discuss your needs.